Student of the Month: Sandra L.(Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Kids/Teens)

Congratulations to our Student of the Month: Sandra!

Teen Sandra practicing Jiu-Jitsu in our San Gabriel Alhambra adjacent studio

Hi Sandra, can you please tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m an 8th grader in Middle School. I enjoy listening to music, drawing people, playing games, watching anime and reading books. My favorite color is red and my favorite food is Udon noodles.

Why did you start training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

I started Jiu-Jitsu because I need to exercise more and know self-defense. I now feel safer if I end up in a situation where I have to defend myself because of the things I have learned in Jiu-Jitsu class.

When did you start training Jiu-Jitsu and how often do you come to class?

I started in January 2018 and come to class about 2 times a week.

BJJ teenager Sandra training Jiu-Jitsu at Silanoe

What is your favorite thing about Jiu-Jitsu class?

I like sparring with other kids my size because I am able to practice the new moves I learn in class.

What do you like most about Professor Gino’s teachings?

I like that Professor Gino teaches at a pace that I can understand and that he goes around making sure -that people understand how to do the moves correctly. Since he does this, learning Jiu-Jitsu is easier and I don’t feel stressed.

Questions for Sandra’s mom Yvonne

What improvements have you noticed in Sandra since she’s been doing Jiu-Jitsu?

Being Sandra’s mom, I have noticed big improvements with regards to her self-confidence level and her strength too. She likes to arm wrestle with me since she always wins against me now 😉

Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

It is hard to convince my kids to join sports, but not Jiu-Jitsu. On top of that, my kids enjoy the classes because Professor Gino is a very good instructor all around. He is not only friendly but also gives enough attention to all the students in every class.

Teen friends Sandra and Faith at Silanoe Martial Arts in Alhambra San Gabriel

Do you want your kids to be able to defend themselves?

Sandra wanted to exercise and learn self-defense by joining our Jiu-Jitsu program. Come say hi to Sandra at our San Gabriel Alhambra adjacent studio on Las Tunas Dr. please check out our current schedule. Request a Free Week Trial to see if it is a good fit for your child before committing to anything Free Week Trial. If you would like to read about other previous students of the month such as for instance, Ethan please click here.