Student of the Month: Elliott (Muay Thai Adult)

Congratulations to our Student of the Month: Elliot!

A straight right cross at Muay Thai Kickboxing at Silanoe San Gabriel Alhambra

Hi Elliott, please tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m a writer, so I’m in my head a lot. Muay Thai class at Silanoe has been something I look forward to because for that hour everything becomes really simple – there’s a singular clarity in getting punched in the face.

What classes do you take and what got you interested?

I take Muay Thai on Tues and Thurs. I had taken some Kung Fu and Judo before but never learned to kick. For some reason, I just wanted to kick things hard.

How long have you been training in Muay Thai?

I’ve been training for about 5 months now.

What is your favorite part of the Muay Thai class?

I like kicking the pads the most. But lately, I’ve started to appreciate the logic of the movements and angles, the dance of distance and limbs. It’s kind of beautiful.

Boxing combination at Silanoe Martial Arts in Kickboxing Muay Thai in San Gabriel San Marino

You have a previous back injury, how do you manage it while training in such a high-intensity sport?

I have scoliosis which causes me a lot of back pain. I went to see physical therapists, chiropractors, and doctors which didn’t help at all. One even warned me not to take Muay Thai because of the rotation forces on the body. It was then that I had a realization that my body was telling me in its own way how to heal the pain, which was movement, and its urge to kick and punch was it telling me what it wanted. So I decided to take my healing into my own hands, trust myself, and not outsource it to other people. That was a really important realization. My back problems are not gone, but they are better.

What current and future goals do you have?

My goal is to use Muay Thai to get healthier in body, mind, and spirit.

Is there anything else that you would like to share with us?

I’m grateful to Gino and Gabriel for their teaching and support.

Dutch Kickboxing Muay Thai group at Silanoe Martial Arts in San Gabriel Alhambra

Interested in Muay Thai Kickboxing yourself?

If you are interested in trying out Muay Thai and train with Elliott and our other students please check out our recently updated schedule. Try out our classes risk-free Free Week Trial. If you would like to read about other previous students of the month such as for instance, Isaac, please click here.