Student of the Month: Mike Delgado

Adult Jiu-Jitsu White Belt student Mike Delgado Grooming a dog

Hi Mike, please tell us a little bit about yourself.

In college I had a part time job at a grooming salon in Pasadena, having worked with dogs since I was 18 I quickly excelled. I went to college for music and business. Once I graduated college, they promoted me to a full time groomer. After a year or so, I got fed up with management and started looking for a new place to groom at.  I grew up in a small town called Monrovia. Never in my life did I think I would find a grooming salon for sale in my home town. I didn’t want to buy a business, as my plans were to continue on with school and get a MA of some sort. I talked it over with my parents, did the pros and cons. Now 4 years later I have one of the best grooming salons in the San Gabriel Valley.

What else makes you tick?

I have 2 dogs, who own me! A Poodle mix who I found and rescued from the streets of East LA. When he found me he was covered in gnats, fleas and ticks. I knew he was mine and I was his! My second dog is a Pit Bull mix and is also a rescue, she is the sweetest thing in the world. She is nothing but farts and love. I try to be the best possible version of myself that I can be. This translates into my interest, which thus far has been music, health, education and caring for the people around me. I always practiced instruments and studied books.

What classes do you take and what got you interested?

I take Muay Thai once a week and BJJ as often as I can. Once I started BJJ I immediately loved it. Its all I want to do now. I found a gym by my house that was unique, it offered boxing, Muay Thai and BJJ. I had only done Boxing as a teen, but the other disciplines intrigued me, I thought “I can do that.” So I did. A couple years later I am proud to have Silanoe Martial Arts as my home gym.

Mike Delgado sparring in Muay Thai Dutch Kickboxing class

The word around the gym is that you are one of the toughest white belts, what is your secret?

Haha! That’s cool! I try to be consistent as possible, learn and retain as much information from the Professor and each team member. I started weight training 3-4 times a week and I also take private lesson with Professor Gino, which are amazing. The Silanoe Martial Arts BJJ team is full of tough savages, champions, I just adapted to the team.

Mike rolling sparring Jiu-Jitsu with Jackie in adult All Levels class


What would be your tip to fellow BJJ white belts be?

My tips for other BJJ white belts is…just show up, do the drills and pay attention, secondly let your body get use to training BJJ. Allow time for your mind and your body to wrap around the mental and physical concepts of the sport, it takes time.

Where exactly do people need to be for your grooming services?  What pets do you groom and do they need an appointment? If so, how can they contact you?

At Happy Paws Dog Grooming we groom dog from all breeds, small to large, young and old. We do go by appointment only as it helps ensure the safety of all the pets in our care. We are located at 138 E. Colorado Blvd in Monrovia, phone number is 626 358 5355. To check out Happy Paws Grooming on Yelp please click here.

Muay Thai Jiu-Jitsu student Mike with his employees

Come train with Mike Delgado

Always wanted to try Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai/Dutch Kickboxing? Click here to tryout for free. If you would like to read more about other students at Silanoe Martial Arts such as Sammi here or Tina here. Click here for the schedule in case you would like to visit us.