New Year New You: Our new students’ goals for 2018 and their reasons for joining

Happy New Year to each and every one! Silanoe Martial Arts wishes everyone the very best for 2018!
We are a month in now and it is great to see everyone around us working hard to become a better version themselves. We love the energy our members bring and their motivation to put in all that work. This truly fascinates us.
A new year is a new start, a new beginning and that is the reason why we asked them what goals they have for 2018. We were also very curious as to what their reasons were for joining Silanoe Martial Arts.
This is the first part of our #newyearnewyou series.

Why did you join our gym and what are your goals for 2018?

We have Ken, William, Emma & Alison, Rebecca, Sebastian, James and Jill.
They all recently joined Silanoe Martial Arts and have different reasons and goals.


Ken joined our gym in the month of October. He is a fan of the Muay Thai Kickboxing sport and the UFC. He wants to improve and perfect his Muay Thai technique so he can hit without getting hit. Ken recently joined our Jiu-Jitsu program and is a white belt. He wants to advance and earn a stripe on his belt.
BJJ and Muay Thai Student Ken working his Kickboxing combination


William is very ambitious. He joined us to train Jiu-Jitsu and be the best UFC fighter he can be. One day, William wants to be the absolute best UFC fighter.
BJJ Kids student showing the technical standup at Silanoe

Emma & Allison

Emma joined to do Jiu-Jitsu, learn to protect herself and because of her cousin Allison. Allison joined so she won’t get hurt at school, can protect her sister and teach her Jiu-Jitsu techniques. Emma’s goals for 2018 are to get good grades in school and work on Jiu-Jitsu. Allison’s goal is to focus a lot.
Emma and Alison from the BJJ kids program on the couch


Rebecca joined Silanoe Martial Arts because she wanted to learn self-defense. She tells us about the times she got harassed, picked on and bullied when growing up. Being a physically smaller person she felt helpless not knowing what to do at times. Rebecca wants to gain confidence and learn to protect herself. Her goal for 2018 is to get to the level of being able to compete in Jiu-Jitsu.
Jiu-Jitsu student Rebecca applying a Triangle Choke


Sebastian’s reason for joining Silanoe Martial Arts is that he wants to learn to defend himself and the people he cares about. Sebastian’s goal for 2018 is to stay in shape by training martial arts. He also wants to compete at the end of the year.
Dutch Kickboxing Muay Thai student Sebastian sparring


James joined Silanoe Martial Arts because he thinks it is better to do something that helps him in life. He initially did not think about joining but his cousin invited him to watch him compete at the SJJIF World Championships. James was impressed with his cousin’s fight and seeing the prizes and medals he has won and those the competitors could win. James’ goal is to earn a stripe or 2. He wants to compete, get better and become so good he can take on his champion cousin.
Jiu-Jitsu kids student James passing guard


Jill joined Silanoe Martial Arts to pick up a hobby. She told us that she was always interested in martial arts. Her first class was Jiu-Jitsu. She finds that there is a lot of self-defense in it and thinks she can use it in real life when necessary. She really enjoys the classes. For 2018 she wants to keep developing her Jiu-Jitsu and work on earning her blue belt.
Rebecca and Jill live training on Wednesday at the Submission Wrestling No Gi Grappling program sparring session at Silanoe Martial Arts in San Gabriel California

For more information about the Adult Jiu-Jitsu Program click here.
Find everything about the Kids Jiu-Jitsu Program here.
Learn about our Muay Thai Dutch Kickboxing over here.